1. What is the official website of The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets?
http://www.thickets.net/ – it has forums so that you can discuss the band with other fans, and keep apprised of new shows, shirt printings, and all the rest.
2. What CDs are currently available?
All four of our albums are out on CD. You can order them through any decent CD store in Canada
The Shadow Out of Tim [product id: DIV07772]
Spaceship Zero [product id: DI00012]
Cthulhu Strikes Back [product id: DI03032]
Great Old Ones: [product id: DIK04782]
You can also order these securely online at
or http://www.cdbaby.com
or through amazon.com
3. When are the Thickets playing in my town? Do they tour other countries besides Canada?
We have gone on two tours since the release of Spaceship Zero, but only in Canada. In an age of overblown security we currently have no plans for crossing any borders. In order to make a show or a string of shows several things must be provided: food, lodging, air fair, stipend, gear rental. If you can supply all of that, we’d like to hear from you. Contact thickets@uniserve.com
Otherwise, if you just want to be put on our emailing list for shows and news visit the Thickets newsgroup (see 4) and keep an eye on www.thickets.net
4. There is a Thickets newsgroup?
Yes! Yahoogroups is kind of like a bulletin board that subscribers can post to. It includes the guitarist, the singer, and a legion of fans. You can get the messages sent to your email address, or read them on the web. Subscribe or find more info here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/thedarkest
5. What t-shirts and other merchandise is available?
We print shirts up sporadically when the stars are right. To see what’s available visit Toren’s eBay store at http://stores.ebay.com/Dead-Space-God – you can also email him directly to save on eBay fees.
6. Do they have a fanclub?
Yes, The People of Innsmouth is the official fanclub of The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets. For membership information and benefits, download the rtf file here: http://mypage.uniserve.ca/~darkest/join.html
7. I heard that you can read the People of Innsmouth newsletters online.
You’re on the ball. Our fanclub website is at http://mypage.uniserve.ca/~darkest
Though this is updated even less regularly than the newsletter comes out.
8. What if I want free Thickets mp3s to convert all my friends?
Check the “media” page of www.thickets.net
Check http://www.garageband.com/artist/the_darkest_of_the_hillside_thickets
Check http://artists2.iuma.com/IUMA/Bands/Darkest_of_the_Hillside_Thickets,_The/
And http://www.newmusiccanada.com/genres/artist.cfm?Band_Id=5820
9. Where can I get the best kind of downloads – those I have to pay for?
iTunes http://www.apple.com/itunes/store/
BuyMusic http://www.buy.com
Puretracks http://Puretracks.com
Rhapsody http://Rhapsody.com/listenhome.jsp
10. Do the Thickets have any videos?
Yes, we have videos for Diggin’ Up the World, Worship Me Like A God, Colour Me Green, Walking on the Moon, and The Sounds of Tindalos. As of September 2007 we’re working on a video for A Marine Biologist. View some of these in the “media” section of our official site and please request them at requests@muchmusic.com
11. I heard there were a couple Thickets Screensavers.
That’s right, and here they are:
12. And a video game?
Yes, the Thickets have created a very Cthulhuian Spaceship Zero video game with the help of industry playboy Dan Ross. Here it is: http://www.spaceshipzero.com/sszgame.zip
13. What about this Spaceship Zero movie? Will it ever get made?
Details of the SSZ production can be found on www.spaceshipzero.com. Keep your fingers crossed and your eyes glued to the website for further updates.
14. Where can I get photos of the Thickets?
In the “gallery” section of our official website and at http://www.flickr.com/groups/383696@N21/pool/
15. Who is this H.P. Lovecraft character that the Thickets love so much?
He is a fabulously talented and dead author of weird tales from the ’20s and ’30s. You should definitely go pick up one of his anthologies. More info can be found at http://www.hplovecraft.com
16. Miscellaneous links: