Cthulhupalooza Tickets Now Available!


Live in Vancouver or environs? Tickets are $16 available now @ Neptoon Records, Red Cat Records, RX Comics, Lucky’s Comics, Pulp Fiction Books (both locations), and The Rio Theatre. (Available soon at Elfsar Collectibles, High Life, Scratch Records, and more!)

Also available from Toren via PayPal or in person. Email thickets@uniserve.com to make arrangements!


Check out the guidelines for the contest – contest is open to all ticket holders, and contest registry can happen prior to ticket purchase, but will need to be confirmed before the day-of-event.


We’ve got some great stuff in store for prizes, such as;

Rock Band kits from Harmonix!
Prize packs from Rue Morgue Magazine!
Prize packs from Jones Soda!
Plush Cthulhus & games from Toy Vault!
DVD sets from Time Life!
And More!