Cthulhupalooza Update


1. We’ve got about 250 guests so make sure you get a ticket before they’re all gone, and avoid paying more at the door by buying your ticket in advance. We are close to a dozen bands registered. To make sure your team gets in on time email cthulhupalooza@gmail.com to register NOW!
Rules: http://cthulhupalooza.protoncharging.com/rock-band-contest/

2. More prizes have come in over the past week from our amazing and fantastical sponsors such as Fantasy Flight Games, Grindhouse Video, Time Life, Harmonix, Elfsar Collection and on and on it goes. At this rate it’s pretty clear that even first round contestants are going to walk away with something nice for themselves!

3. If you can’t come to the event but you’d still like to support Child’s Play, we are taking donations on their behalf. Go to cthulhupalooza.com and click on the DONATE button.