Will be livestreamed! Check our facebook page for details
The Dukes of Alhazred now on Bandcamp!
[bandcamp width=350 height=470 album=574997727 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false]
The Dukes of Alhazred Cover Artwork
Here is the final oil painting by Supreme Artist of the Omniverse, Chris Woods, uncluttered by they tyranny of text and logos. Observe and lose 1d10 Sanity Points! Also […]
The Dukes of Alhazred Update (videos)
We are pleased and belligerent to offer some sneak previews of the tracks you’ll be hearing on our forthcoming album “The Dukes of Alhazred” in the form of videos that compare […]
Shoggoths Away Remix Time!
Here is the preview of the new 2016 recording for Shoggoths Away, featuring artist Chris Woods working on the cover art for our forthcoming album “The Dukes of Alhazred” Now, […]
The Thickets Survive in Fallout 4 "Musician's Mod"
What if I told you that you could meet lead singer Toren in the Boston Wasteland and hear exclusive Thickets tunes on the radio in Fallout 4? It’s true! Thanks […]
Spaceship Zero Radio Plays Uncovered!
You thought that in all of the Dukes of Alhazred hullabaloo you’d never hear about Spaceship Zero ever again, didn’t you? SURPRISE! Long thought to be forever lost in the […]
The Dukes of Alhazred Update: Chris Woods Painting
Before I get to the good stuff, let me remind you that The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets has a Patreon page and you can help your favorite band live […]
The Strange Sound of Cthulhu ebook
The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets get an entire chapter in The Strange Sound of Cthulhu: Music Inspired by the Writings of H. P. Lovecraft by Gary Hill. Explore it on […]